NSNI, as an independent branch organization, unites the Bulgarian companies, having as subject of activity operations with real estate, on the basis of their desire to create and establish fair competition and correct relations between them in the conditions of market economy, observing the principles of ethics in the professional approach and in the branch specialization.

These interests impose responsibilities on any professionally engaged real estate intermediary that go beyond the ordinary commercial relationship.

Members of the NSNI accept as their professional duty their responsibility to the Law, the Society and the Customer/User.

By adopting the standards and rules of relationship of this Professional Code of Ethics, members of the NCIP assist the administrative bodies in their goal of eliminating any actions that undermine and discredit the industry
authority and professionalism.

Established at the NSNI Professional Ethics Committee (PEC) has the necessary experience and authority to facilitate the pre-trial resolution of disputes.

Everywhere in this Professional Code of Ethicswhere the words AGENT/BROKER AND AGENCY to be understood accordingly AGENT and/or BROKER of real estate and AGENCY for real estate.

Where the duties imposed on agents and agencies by this Ethical Professional Code (EPC)are more stringent than the obligations imposed on them by law, in cases where The professional code of ethics contravenes the law,
obligations defined by law shall prevail. All rules and norms applicable in practice and formulated through international ethical norms and European standards, which are not included in this Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, are complementary to it, if they do not contradict the current Bulgarian and European legislation.

By fully understanding and appreciating their obligations to customers, the public and each other, AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS continually strive to stay informed about real estate issues and to be knowledgeable professionals who willingly share their experience and knowledge with others. In fulfilling this Professional Code of Ethics and by assisting the relevant regulatory authorities, they shall identify and take steps to eradicate practices that could be detrimental to the public or discredit or tarnish the profession of AGENT/BROKER of real estate. In the event that they become aware of conduct that may be in violation of The professional code of ethicsnamely abuse of the trust, finances or property of customers, purposeful discrimination or fraud resulting in significant economic harm, THE AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS should inform the relevant authority of NSNI.

Recognizing that collaboration with other real estate professionals is in the best interest of those who use their services, AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS strive for exclusive customer representation through
fair and professional approach; do not attempt to gain an unfair advantage over competitors; and refrain from making spontaneous comments about other practitioners. In cases where their opinion is sought or where AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS believe it is necessary to make a comment, they provide their opinion in an objective and professional manner, without it being influenced by any personal motivation or possible benefit or advantage.

The term AGENCY AND AGENT/BROKER should be synonymous with competence, professional experience, honesty, integrity and moral conduct in business relationships.

By adopting this standard as their own, AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS agree to respect its essence in all their activities, whether conducted personally, with partners or others, or through technological
means and to conduct business in accordance with the principles set out below.


International Ethics Standard Coalition /IESC/ AND NSI

This Code of Ethics has been developed on the basis of the ten ethical rules for real estate professionals adopted by the IESC at the end of 2016.

ACCOUNTABILITY: must take full responsibility for the services they provide; must recognise and respect the rights and interests of clients, third parties and stakeholders; must pay full attention to social and
environmental factors.

CONFIDENTIALITY: Practitioners should not disclose confidential or personal information without prior authorization unless such disclosure is required by applicable laws or regulations.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: practitioners must disclose all relevant information in a timely manner before and during the provision of the service. If, after disclosure, the conflict cannot be eliminated or mitigated, the practitioner must withdraw unless the parties involved mutually agree that he or she should proceed with the work accordingly.

FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY: practitioners must tell the truth, provide transparency and security in all financial matters.

FAIRNESS: practitioners must act honestly and fairly and base their professional advice on relevant, credible and objective evidence.

LEGAL COMPLIANCE: practitioners must comply with the legal rules relevant to their profession under which they operate, together with applicable international legal rules.

REPORTING: practitioners should systematically collate and reflect on the professional standards for their profession and continually evaluate the services they offer to ensure compliance with
their professional activities with evolving ethical principles and professional standards.

STANDARDS OF SERVICE: practitioners must only provide services for which they are competent and qualified; must ensure that any employee or person assisting in the provision of the service has the necessary competence to do so; must provide reliable professional leadership to their colleagues or teams.

TRANSPARENCY: practitioners must be open and accessible; must not mislead or attempt to mislead; must not misinform or conceal information about products or lead times;
must provide relevant documentation or other material in clear and understandable language.

TRUST: practitioners must have a responsibility to uphold the reputation of their profession and must recognize that their activities and conduct affect the public trust and confidence in IESC professional organizations and all professionals they represent.


"Client." - the natural or legal person(s) with whom the agent or agency has an agency contract or legal agency relationship;

"Potential client" means a party to a real estate transaction who receives information, service, or benefits but does not yet have a contractual relationship with the agent or agency;

"Real estate agent" /agent/- a person who acts professionally as an intermediary or adviser in commercial matters in relation to real estate transactions or market research, carrying out any of the series of activities forming part of this definition. A real estate agent has limited rights in that he or she may not, on his or her own behalf or on behalf of a third party, enter into brokerage or advisory contracts for real estate transactions and operations unless authorized by a real estate broker.

"Real estate broker" /broker/ - a person with a specific professional qualification and/or a minimum of three years of professional experience as a real estate agent, or a minimum of one year of professional experience and a university degree in real estate, who acts professionally as an intermediary or consultant in commercial matters in connection with real estate transactions or market research. Performing any of the series of activities part of this definition.

"Real Estate Agency" /agency/ - a person registered under the commercial law or the legislation of another Member State of the European Union or a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, with the main activity "mediation and/or consulting in real estate transactions".

"Activities of Real Estate Agents, Brokers and Agencies":

- conducts discussions with third parties for real estate transactions, offering them an intermediary or advisory service with its participation
- leads third parties to views of real estate
- performed market research the real estate market
- advertises in any way offers for sale or lease of real estate
- negotiates terms of transactions with real estate
- Conducts calls/negotiations on behalf of or for the benefit of third parties relating to transactions and/or the supply and demand of real estate
- negotiate commissions or other financial remuneration for himself or the real estate agency through which he represents himself on the market, relating to intermediary or consultancy activities in real estate transactions
- correspond and/or send proposalsrelated to trading and rental of real estate
- perform any other intermediary and/or commercial and marketing consultancy services related to: buying, selling, renting, leasing real estate; establishing, acquiring and registering real estate; surveying properties; arranging inspections and viewings of properties; establishing contacts between seller and buyer, tenant and landlord, and/or lessor.



When representing a buyer, seller, landlord, tenant or other client in their role as an intermediary, AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS accept the duty to protect and safeguard the interests of their clients. This duty to the client is primary, but does not relieve the AGENCY AND AGENT/BROKER of their duty to treat all parties, including competitors, fairly. AGENCIES AND AGENTS shall conduct their business in a legitimate manner, in compliance with the applicable Bulgarian legislation for the conduct of business.


- Practical standard 1-1

When acting as intermediaries in a real estate transaction, AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS remain obliged to comply with the obligations imposed on them by the Code of Ethics.

-Practical standard 1-2

The obligations imposed by the Code of Professional Conduct cover all real estate activities and transactions, whether conducted in person, electronically or by any other means.

-Practical standard 1-3

AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS, in attempting to offer a brokerage service/sign a brokerage contract with a client, must not intentionally mislead the client as to the market value of the property.

-Practical standard 1-4

AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS, in an attempt to offer an intermediary service/sign an intermediary contract with a client, must not mislead the client about the financial relationship between them, provide comprehensive information
for upcoming costs in a transaction or other conditions, as well as financial and other benefits they may enjoy.

-Practical standard 1-5

AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS may represent both the seller/landlord and the buyer/tenant in the same transaction when disclosing this information to both parties.

-Practical Standard 1-6

The AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS shall provide the Seller/Landlord whom they represent with all offers (offers to purchase or rent) and/or counter offers objectively and as soon as possible, without concealing any such received from their clients, potential clients or the clients of other intermediaries.

-Practical Standard 1-7

When acting as an agent for the seller, AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS should responsibly inform the seller/landlord of any offers they receive until a transaction is concluded or a contract is in place for the
purchase/rental, unless the seller/landlord has withdrawn the offer from the intermediary or the market. AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS should not continue to market a property once the seller/landlord has accepted a specific offer of a deal, unless the seller/landlord insists on it.

- Practical Standard 1-8

AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS acting as buyer/tenant agents must pass on to their client all offers and counter offers received directly from the seller/landlord or through their agent. AGENCIES AND
AGENTS/BROKERS are required to faithfully perform their duties as an agent to the buyers/tenants they represent until the contract is terminated or closed due to a transaction.

-Practical Standard 1-9

AGENCIES AND AGENTS / BROKERS undertake to comply with the provisions of the current Bulgarian and European legislation related to the protection, processing and storage of personal data of their clients and other individuals whose data is used for the purposes of their business.

-Practical standard 1-10

When signing buyer/tenant brokerage agreements, AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS must notify clients of:
1) their policies regarding joint activities with other AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS;
2) the amount of remuneration to be paid by the client;
3) the basic obligations and rights of the parties to the contract

- Practical Standard 1-11

AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS must only disclose information about the existence of offers for a property already under negotiation after permission has been granted by the seller.

- Practical Standard 1-12

AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS who have been granted access to a property for which another AGENCY AND AGENT/BROKER have entered into an exclusive agency agreement shall abide by the restrictions on access and use of the property imposed by the exclusive agent or its principal.


AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS should avoid exaggerating, misinterpreting or concealing facts relating to the property or transaction.


-Practical Standard 2-1

AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS have a moral obligation to disclose to their clients adverse facts known to them that could influence the client's decision to transact. Article 2 does not impose on
AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS the obligation to be experts in other professions or technical disciplines.


AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS accept it as good practice to cooperate with other agencies on mutually agreed terms.


- Practical Standard 3-1

The AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS, in their role as the exclusive agent of the seller/landlord, shall determine the terms and conditions of proposals for cooperation with other AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS, which shall also specify their financial commitments to each other. And where there is no agreement to share remuneration, it is not presumed that any is due.

-Practical standard 3-2

Any change in the fee offered for the Collaborative Services must be communicated by the AGENCY AND the SELLER'S AGENT/BROKER to the Collaborating AGENCY AND the SELLER'S AGENT/BROKER prior to the Buyer/Landlord's AGENCY AND the SELLER'S AGENT/BROKER submitting an offer to purchase/rent a property. Once the AGENCY AND the buyer/landlord's AGENT/BROKER have delivered an offer to purchase or lease a property, the AGENCY AND the seller's AGENT/BROKER may not unilaterally attempt to modify the offered consideration in connection with this joint transaction.

-Practical standard 3-3

As a practical matter, Standard 3-2 does not preclude the signing of a compensation modification agreement between the seller's agency and the cooperating agency.

-Practical standard 3-4

AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS acting as agents for the seller have a duty to disclose the existence of dual or variable commission arrangements (e.g., exclusives where the commission is one if the seller's agency has found a buyer/tenant and quite different if the sale/lease is due to the efforts of the seller/landlord or the cooperating agency). The seller's agency must disclose the existence of such arrangements to any cooperating agencies as soon as possible and, in response to inquiries from the cooperating agencies, must disclose the difference that will result in a joint transaction and a sale/lease that is the result of the seller's/landlord's efforts. If the cooperating agency represents the buyer/tenant, the buyer/tenant's representative must disclose such information to its clients before the client makes an offer to purchase or lease.

-Practical standard 3-5

When seeking information from another AGENCY AND AGENT/BROKER about a property for which a management contract or brokerage agreement exists, the AGENCY AND AGENT/BROKER must disclose their status and whether their interest is personal
or act on behalf of a client. If on behalf of a client - disclose their relationship with the client.

-Practical Standard 3-6

AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS must not take undue advantage of the access granted to them to inspect or check the condition of a property offered for sale.

- Practical Standard 3-7

AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS must provide access to a property advertised for sale/rent on terms agreed with the owner or agent of the seller/landlord without altering the same at their discretion.

- Practical Standard 3-8

The duty to cooperate set out in Article 3 refers to the obligation to share information about a property offered for sale and to present that property to other agencies for possible viewings with potential
buyers/tenants where it is in the best interests of the sellers/landlords.


When selling a property that they own or have an interest in, the AGENCY AND AGENT/BROKER must notify the buyer or the buyer's representative that they own or have an interest in the property. AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS must inform the owner or the agent or agency representing the owner if they are acquiring an interest in, purchasing, or making an offer for a property for themselves, any member of their family, their corporations, or any member of the same, or any entity in which they have an ownership interest.


- Practical Standard 4-1

AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS shall not provide professional services for a property or to determine the value of a property in which they have an interest or intend to obtain an interest if such interest is not clearly disclosed to all affected parties.


In order to protect all parties, AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS should ensure, wherever possible, that all contracts, agreements, annexes and appendices relating to real estate transactions are in writing, in clear and understandable language and contain the relevant terms, conditions, obligations and responsibilities of the parties. Each of the parties to such contracts shall receive an original copy of each contract when it is signed.



AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS shall not refuse to provide equal professional service to any person on the grounds of race, colour, religion, sex, disability, marital status, nationality and origin, sexual orientation or gender identity. AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS shall not be parties to any plan or contract that discriminates against any person or persons on the basis of the above characteristics


The services provided to clients and prospective clients by the AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS must be consistent with the practice standards and competencies required to be possessed for the field in which they provide the services, namely: residential real estate brokerage, property management, commercial and industrial real estate brokerage, land brokerage, real estate appraisal, real estate consulting, and work
with properties abroad. According to the REGULATION No. 21 of 09.01.2012 for the acquisition of qualification in the profession "Broker". SG No. 13 of 14.02.2012, the basic competences are understood as:
- Compliance with OHS and environmental protection rules in the performance of their duties;
- application of general economic, accounting and legal knowledge in the profession;
- applying specific economic knowledge to real estate transactions;
- applying specific legal knowledge to real estate transactions;
- applying knowledge of spatial planning, architecture and construction;
- Compliance with rules and procedures on information provision for real estate transactions;
- accompanying customers on view;
- advising clients on real estate transactions;
- handling real estate transactions;
- uses information and communication technologies in the performance of his/her duties.

AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS may undertake to provide specialist professional services for a type of property or service outside their area of expertise after they have employed/engaged a person who is competent for that type of property or service or if they have disclosed those facts to the client. Anyone engaged to provide assistance should be introduced as such to the client and it should be made clear what their contribution to the work will be.

AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS should not engage in activities that constitute unauthorized interpretation of law and should recommend legal advice from a lawyer when the interest of any party to the transaction requires it.


-Practical Standard 7-1

When AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS give an opinion of market value for properties, they must:
1) be familiar with the area in which the subject property is located and the real estate market;
2) be familiar with the type and category of property being assessed
3) the technical characteristics, urban planning and legal status of the property
4) use reliable sources of information
5) meet the required legal capacity when preparing written property valuations
6) become familiar with and take into account other factors that affect the market value of the property under analysis.


AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS must be honest and truthful in the information they give about real estate and present truthful information in their advertising, marketing and other representations. AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS must make certain that their status as real estate professionals is prominently displayed in their advertising, marketing and other presentation materials, and that the recipients of any of their communications are or have been informed that such communications are from a real estate professional.


-Practical Standard 8-1

When AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS use the term "free" and similar terms in their advertising and other representations, they must not negotiate any form of remuneration for that product or service.

-Practical standard 8-2

AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS shall not offer for sale/lease or advertise a property without the consent of the owner or the owner's AGENT/BROKER. When representing sellers or other agents,
AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS must not quote a price other than the price agreed with the seller/landlord.

-Practical standard 8-3

The duty to present truthful information to the public includes information presented, on the websites of the AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS, information published on social media and property portals. THE AGENCIES AND
AGENTS/BROKERS should make reasonable efforts to keep the information on their websites and property portals up to date. Where it becomes apparent that any information on a property portal or on an AGENCY AND AGENT/BROKER's website is no longer up to date or correct, AGENCIES AND AGENTS must take prompt action to correct it.

-Practically standard 8-4

AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS are not allowed to publish or distribute advertising with text and visual materials that are the intellectual property of others without the express consent of its owner.

-Practical standard 8-5

The obligation to truthfully represent information in advertising, marketing and presentation materials allows AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS to use and display only professional titles, certifications and other authorizations to perform activities for which they are legally authorized.



AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS must not knowingly or unknowingly make false or misleading statements about other real estate professionals, their work or business practice.


If an exclusive agency or exclusive brokerage agreement is signed by an AGENCY AND AGENT/BROKER, the other agencies and agents/brokers shall not engage in any practices or take any actions that are not in accordance with the exclusive agency or exclusive brokerage agreement already signed.


- Practical Standard 10-1

Article 10 is not intended to prohibit business practices that are ethical and does not prohibit arrangements with other AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS involving commissions, fees, royalties or other forms of payment. Article 10 does not prohibit arrangements by the AGENCY AND the AGENT/BROKER signing an exclusive agency or brokerage agreement with other AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS involving commissions, fees, royalties or other forms of payment.

- Practical Standard 10-2

Article 10 does not prevent AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS from making statements to prospective clients describing the services and the conditions under which the same may be enjoyed, although some recipients may have signed contracts for
agency or be in an exclusive relationship with another AGENCY AND AGENT/BROKER. A general advertising campaign, mailing campaign, or distribution of promotional materials addressed to all potential customers in a geographic area or representatives of a profession, business club or organization, or other community group shall be considered "general" for the purposes of this standard.

- Practical Standard 10-3

The fact that a prospective client has been in an exclusive relationship with the AGENCY AND AGENT/BROKER during one or more prior transactions that have expired shall not preclude other AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS from seeking future business with such prospective client.

- Practical standard 10-4

Prior to entering into a contractual agency relationship, AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS should inquire whether the potential client is a party to a current, valid exclusive contract.

- Practical standard 10-5

In cases of negotiated shared commission, AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS acting as agents for the seller/landlord must disclose this relationship to the buyer's or tenant's representative at their first

- Practical Standard 10-6

All actions/communications regarding properties with valid exclusive contracts or with buyers/tenants subject to exclusive contracts must be with the client's representative and not the client, except in the case of
to which the client's representative has given his/her consent or where such actions/communications are initiated by the client.

- Practical standard 10-7

Signs announcing that property is for sale, lease or exchange shall not be placed on property without the consent of the seller/landlord. Signs of competing AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS may not be removed. This may be requested by the property owner.

- Practical standard 10-8

Upon termination of the relationship of AGENTS/BROKERS with their current company, they should not induce their customers to cancel their exclusive contractual relationship with the company in question. This does not prevent AGENTS/BROKERS to reach an agreement with the owner of the company on these offers.


Any interested person should be aware of the following policies that have been approved by the NCRI Board:

In lodging a complaint for an alleged breach of Ethical professional Code on the part of AGENCIES AND AGENTS/BROKERS, it should cite at least one article of the Code of Ethics which the complainant considers to be breached. In support of the accusation, specific Practical standards.

Each Standard of Practice addresses a relevant article of the Code of Ethics. The practice standards serve to clarify the ethical obligations imposed by The professional code of ethics and complement, not replace, the interpretation of cases.

Existing Practice Standards are subject to regular amendment and supplementation.


1. Knowledge of and compliance with this Professional Code of Ethics is an obligation for members of the NSNIin accordance with Article 20, paragraph 1, item 3 of the Statute of the NSNI and all other persons who have voluntarily accepted the ethical professional norms and standards of The professional code of ethics of the NSNI.

2. The Professional Ethics Committee examines the activities of AGENCY AND AGENT/BROKER in the event of a dispute arising from a written complaint formally submitted to the NSCN by an interested party who has legitimised himself in accordance with the procedures of the CPE's Rules of Procedure.

3. The Professional Ethics Committee may rule on cases of unfair competition or unethical professional treatment of a client only if there is evidence in the case.

4. The Professional Ethics Committee hereby informs The Board of the NSNR for each case in which it is established that AGENCY AND AGENT/BROKER does not comply with the ethical norms and standards set by The professional code of ethics of the CNRI and/or with their
action or inaction undermines the authority of the organization.

5. The Professional Ethics Committee proposes for discussion the activities of AGENCY AND AGENT/BROKER, to the attention of the Board of the NCRI, in the presence of evidence of disloyalty or dishonesty towards a client and/or intermediary partner, for each case for which the Statutes of the NCRI require it.

6. After a violation of the norms and standards of the Present Professional Code of Ethics, Professional Ethics Committee shall be entitled to impose the following sanctions:
- written warning;
- a monetary sanction of up to BGN 1000.

The Professional Ethics Committee expresses an opinion and a proposal to the Board of the NCRI to impose a financial penalty of more than 1000 BGN or expulsion of members of the NCRI from the organization. These sanctions are imposed by a decision of the Board of the NCRI.

7.Sanctions imposed by The Professional Ethics Committee may be appealed to the Board of the National Scientific and Research Council within two weeks of their announcement. The decision of the NSSI Board after consideration of the case shall be final and not subject to appeal.

8. Sanctions imposed by the Board of the NSNI may be appealed to the The General Assembly of the NSNI within two weeks of their announcement. The decision of The General Assembly of NSNI after consideration of the case is final and not subject to appeal.

9. The decisions of Professional Ethics Committee shall be published on the CNI website or otherwise made publicly available in an appropriate manner.

10. The decisions and penalties that have been confirmed and entered into force shall be recorded in the register of the NSSI for the offender concerned.

11. Present Professional Code of Ethics was adopted by The General Assembly of the NSNI 18 May 2018.

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